Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 2

With our practice tests, you can familiarize yourself with the format of the PA DMV permit test as well as the types of questions that will be asked. This will help to alleviate any anxiety or stress you may feel on test day. You can take our practice tests multiple times and track your progress, identifying areas where you may need more focus. This will allow you to thoroughly prepare and increase your chances of passing the PA permit test on your first attempt


Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 02

1 / 25

Your side mirrors should be adjusted so that you can see...?

2 / 25

As you approach a curve in the road, which of these should you do?

3 / 25

If you park facing downhill on a road with a curb, which we should you turn your steering wheel?

4 / 25

At highway speed, you can need up to what length of time to pass a truck safely?

5 / 25

At speeds below 35 mph, you must activate your turn signal at least what distance before you turn?

6 / 25

You should increase your following distance in which of these circumstances?

7 / 25

Traffic fatalities are approximately how much more likely to occur at night time?

8 / 25

When following a motorcycle, you should leave at least how much time space between you?

9 / 25

Which of these contains the most alcohol?

10 / 25

A driver holding their left arm out with the forearm and hand pointing upwards is indicating what?

11 / 25

On a two lane two-way road, what does it mean when there is a double solid yellow centerline?

12 / 25

Approaching intersections, how should you look for other traffic?

13 / 25

By law, you must switch to low beam headlights when you get within what distance of an oncoming vehicle?

14 / 25

When you see a school bus with its red lights flashing you must stop a minimum of what distance away from it?

15 / 25

By law, as you enter a work zone, you must...?

16 / 25

You must not pass another vehicle if you are within what distance of an intersection or railroad crossing?

17 / 25

Drivers moving into Pennsylvania from another state or from Canada must obtain a Pennsylvania driver's license within what time of arriving?

18 / 25

If you pass another vehicle, before you return to your lane you should be able to see what in the rearview mirror?

19 / 25

When you park your vehicle parallel to the curb, it must be within what distance of that curb?

20 / 25

If you kill or seriously injure a highway worker or emergency responder by ignoring the Steer Clear law, you can be fined up to...?

21 / 25

In cold wet weather, you should be especially wary of ice...?

22 / 25

You must never park within what distance of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing?

23 / 25

What color lines are used to divide traffic traveling in the same direction?

24 / 25

The posted speed limit indicates what?

25 / 25

Approaching a downhill grade in slippery conditions, what should you do?

Your score is



Learning to Drive in Pennsylvania: Preparing For Your Written PA DMV Permit Test

PA DMV Permit TestObtaining your driving license is a major accomplishment in a person’s life, but it also requires much learning and hard work. Before getting out on the road and learning the practical driving side, you must master the theory. You will need to complete several steps to obtain your full license, but one of the most intensive is the written PA DMV permit test. In Pennsylvania, this test is designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual, produced by PennDOT (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation). With that in mind, it’s a good idea to get a copy as soon as possible and start reading. Luckily, you can obtain a PDF version of this document completely free of charge via the PennDOT website. Multilingual and audio versions are also available for maximum accessibility.

The manual might seem daunting, comprising over 100 pages of Pennsylvania road law information. But it’s divided into key sections, making everything easier and more readily digestible. Essentially, the manual is broken down as follows:

  • Learner’s Permit Information: This section details all the legal requirements for obtaining your learner permit.
  • Signals, signs, and markings: this section is designed to give you a run-down on all the varied signs and pavement markings you will encounter on Pennsylvania roadways. It also features several handy sample questions to give you an idea of the level of knowledge you will need to demonstrate on your written test. Typically, these questions present a reproduction of a road sign or signal or describe a specific road scenario. You must select one of four options representing the signal’s meaning or the recommended practice for each scenario.
  • Learning to drive: This section deals with the hazards you will face on the road and the precautions and good practices you must observe as a new driver. It also guides what to do in certain emergencies, such as encountering dangerous road conditions or road rage. Review questions for this section focus on minimizing danger while driving. As such, you must pinpoint best practices when encountering school buses, trucks, cyclists, and other potential hazards.
  • Driving Record Information: This section focuses on the restrictions drivers encounter and guides specific circumstances such as road accidents or police stops. It also explains the process concerning each driver’s record, which PennDOT maintains.
  • Laws and Related Issues: This section deals with the legal guidelines for safe driving, factoring in elements such as airbag safety, seatbelts, and cellphone usage.
  • References: This final section provides a handy rundown of other resources that may be useful to help you make the most of your driving experience.

Another invaluable tool to help you with your study is the Official Driver’s Handbook, a comprehensive guide to just about everything you need to know about national road laws and best practices for drivers. As such, it provides a neat counterpoint to the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual, which is—as the name implies—state-specific. Using both texts will give you the most well-rounded overview of the theoretical aspects of successful driving.

But of course, you can only achieve so much when preparing for your test by memorizing the source text. The extensive range of online practice tests is good for those who prefer more practical study. You’ll find these a handy way of familiarizing yourself with the test format, gauging your progress, and highlighting any gaps in your knowledge. A careful search online may also provide you with a range of study guides or so-called “cheat sheets,” which give you a digested run-down on the key information most likely to feature in your test. These can be handy, too, but it’s important not to rely on them instead of reading the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual. Rather, they should complement your reading and be used purely as a study aid. You could also try getting a friend or family member to quiz you. Seek out other people who have taken the test recently and get their advice. More often than not, people will be willing to share their experiences with you.

When preparing for any test, it’s important to look after yourself. After all, it’s very easy to let the anxiety and tension of the situation get the better of you. With that in mind, get plenty of sleep before the test, drink lots of water, and eat a good meal before heading out to take your test. This will work wonders for your mood and make all the difference to your concentration. As for the test, read every question carefully, and remember that a positive attitude goes a long way.

When completely prepared, you must look at the PennDOT website for details on arranging a written PA DMV permit test and use their handy locator to pinpoint the nearest available venue. You can also contact them directly for more information.

The last thing to remember is to assemble the correct materials to take with you on your test day. These include a parental consent form (where appropriate), proof of identity and residency, and the relevant fee. Once you are ready, and once you’ve got everything you need, then you’re good to go! When you have completed your written test, you will be entitled to your PA learner permit, and you’ll finally get some real-life experience out on the Pennsylvania roadways. Good luck, and safe travels!