Texas Road Rules Test 2

  • Understand the format: The written test consists of multiple-choice questions, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with this type of format beforehand.
  • Study the Driver’s Handbook: The Texas Driver’s Handbook is a valuable resource covering all the information you need for the written test. Be sure to read and understand it thoroughly.

Texas Road Rules Test 02

1 / 25

When towing another vehicle, the connection between the vehicles must be no longer than...?

2 / 25

DWI and DUI can result in a driver's license suspension of up to...?

3 / 25

What depth of water is enough to stall most passenger cars?

4 / 25

All those applying for a Texas driver license must successfully complete an approved driver education course if they are below the age of...?

5 / 25

Which of these should be avoided when driving to prevent distraction?

6 / 25

You must switch to low beam headlights when you get within what distance of an approaching vehicle?

7 / 25

A driver holding the left arm out bent at the elbow with the forearm and hand pointing straight upwards is signaling what?

8 / 25

If you are assisting a person injured in a crash, which of these should you do?

9 / 25

Approaching a railroad grade crossing where a sign warns you to stop or you can see a train coming, you should stop no further than what distance from the nearest rail?

10 / 25

What percentage of fatal traffic crashes in Texas involve drivers under the influence of alcohol?

11 / 25

Which of these must you yield to when crossing a sidewalk to gain access to a driveway, parking lot etc?

12 / 25

Which of these areas may still be icy even when the rest of the pavement is clear?

13 / 25

Your vehicle must have a license plate light of what color?

14 / 25

You must not park within what distance of any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign or other traffic control signal?

15 / 25

If you are driving on an unpaved road that intersects with a paved road, who must yield right-of-way?

16 / 25

All children in a vehicle must be secured in a federally approved child car seat if they are under the age of...?

17 / 25

On a three-lane road with all traffic moving in the same direction, drivers from both the far left and far right lanes want to move into the middle lane. Who should yield?

18 / 25

The most common cause of crashes between cars and motorcycles is...?

19 / 25

When you are following a fire truck answering an alarm or an ambulance with its flashing red lights on, you must not drive within what distance of it?

20 / 25

You will most likely be in a truck driver's blind spot if you can't see...?

21 / 25

If found guilty of manslaughter while intoxicated while driving, you can face what fine/jail time?

22 / 25

In order to supervise a learner driver, the accompanying driver must have been licensed for at least...?

23 / 25

What is the Texas speed limit for numbered highways outside urban districts?

24 / 25

In crashes where nobody is killed or injured and there is less than $1000 of damage, you must report it to the Texas Department of Transportation within what time?

25 / 25

Solid white lines on the road should...?

Your score is



Texas DPS Driving Test - All You Wanted to Know

Texas DPS Driving TestOwning a driving license could be a milestone to achieve as an adult. To obtain a driving license, one must undergo formal procedures. The driving test is one of them. Read the article to learn how to prepare yourself for a Texas DPS driving test. The article gives you a detailed insight into the preparation, checklists, vehicle inspection, etc. In the first part of the article, let us see who is required to take the driving test.

Who has to take the driving test?

The Texas Department of Public Safety issues driving licenses, which are issued for eight years. You may have to take a Texas driving test to get a Texas driving license issued in your name. Here is a list of when and who should take a driving test.

You may have to take a driving test if

  • You do not have a license issued in any U.S. state or territory.
  • You have a license issued by another state, but your license has now expired
  • If you have a license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety that expired over two years.
  • Your medical condition doesn’t allow you to operate a vehicle safely.
  • A few restrictions are placed on your current driving license, and they can be removed only through a driving test.

Note: You may not be asked to take a driving test if your license is up for renewal or if you surrender your driving license issued by other states. You should also be above 18 years of age to do this. Anyone under 18 may be asked to undergo a driving test. However, the Department of Public Safety may ask you to take a driving test at any time at its discretion.

The next segment talks about preparing for the driving test.

If you’re ready to prepare for the driving test, remember to go through all the maneuvers in the “Driver safety checklist.” The Texas Driver Handbook is also available online at www.dps.texas.gov/DriverLicense. You can also get this handbook from any driver’s license office.

You should also practice all the exercises carefully and get feedback before scheduling the test.

How to schedule a driving test

Now, if you’re done practicing all the maneuvers, it’s time to schedule a driving test. You have to book an appointment online to schedule a driving test. Visit the following site to book a driving test: www.dps.texas.gov, and go to “More online services.” You can also book appointments by visiting the office. The services are undertaken only based on prior appointments. Several new measures are in place to adhere to the COVID-19 protocol. The customers are supposed to undergo screening before they enter the premises. The customers are screened for temperature and checked for symptoms. They are also encouraged to wear masks and follow social distancing protocols. The submission of fee is strictly through card payments. The submission of cash is discouraged due to the pandemic. The department encourages all of them to conduct the services online.

The next important thing you must do while you schedule a driving test is to take your vehicle for inspection. Before you begin the driving test, it is mandatory for the vehicle you bring to clear the inspection. The safety of its operation on the road is verified. The customer service representative will conduct a check on the following things:

  • Speedometer ( whether it’s operational or not)
  • Two license plates
  • Horn (functional or not)
  • Turn signals both on the front and back of the vehicle
  • Vehicle registration
  • Insurance details
  • Rearview mirror (inside and outside the vehicle)
  • The doors near the driver and front passenger seat, if they open normally
  • Seat belts
  • The discipline of the driver
  • Windshield wipers
  • Brake lights, taillights, headlights
What needs to be done before the test?

You are required to submit a valid identification form to the customer service representative before the driving test begins. Clarify your doubts and get answers to all the questions before the test starts. The customer service representative is not allowed to engage in any sort of conversation once the test commences.

What to do during the test?

The first thing to follow during the driving test is not to take any pets or unauthorized persons. The rule says a complete “NO” to the entry of pets and unauthorized passengers. The average duration of the test is 20 minutes. Your ability to operate the vehicle safely and obey traffic rules are tested during the test. You will be graded based on your ability to perform the following exercises:

  1. Parallel parking
  2. Turning
  3. Backing in a straight line
  4. Controlling the vehicle
  5. Stopping the vehicle in regular traffic conditions
  6. Observing the traffic closely
  7. Using signals
  8. The way you maintain vehicle position while turning and stopping.

Note: If the supervisor observes any dangerous exercises being performed at any point, it will result in automatic disqualification.

What should you do after the test?

Once you finish your driving test, the result will be shared with you. Detailed feedback stating your strong areas and areas of improvement will be shared. Congratulations! If you pass the test. Unfortunately, if you do not pass this test, your application will remain in the office (driver’s license) for three months or 90 days. After a specified period of 90 days or three failed attempts, you must submit a fresh application and a fee. You will get through on the first attempt if you practice your exercises. Better luck with that!

For detailed knowledge of the processes, various services offered, and timings- visit here.