Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 1

Our DMV test prep materials are designed to cover all the necessary topics and rules that you will encounter on the Pennsylvania Permit Test. We have gathered information from the official PennDOT driver’s manual to create accurate and up-to-date practice questions. Our materials are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that you are receiving the most relevant and current information


Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 01

1 / 25

You should never enter an intersection unless you are certain you can...?

2 / 25

What is the maximum speed limit in Pennsylvania?

3 / 25

When driving near a blind pedestrian carrying a white cane or walking with a guide dog, you must yield right-of-way to them...?

4 / 25

A driver holding their left arm horizontally straight out of the window is indicating what?

5 / 25

You should always use your headlights if you cannot see pedestrians or vehicles what distance ahead of you?

6 / 25

In a rainstorm, the pavement is most slippery...?

7 / 25

If you are permitted to turn right on a red light, what must you do first?

8 / 25

What color lines are used to divide traffic traveling in opposite directions?

9 / 25

On two-way two lane streets, left turns should commence from...?

10 / 25

At speeds above 35 mph, you must activate your turn signal at least what distance before you turn?

11 / 25

Drivers under the age of 21 are considered to be driving under the influence with a blood alcohol concentration at or above...?

12 / 25

When entering a multilane highway from a ramp, you should...?

13 / 25

What is the speed limit in a school zone when it is active?

14 / 25

If you break down on the highway, you should alert other drivers that your vehicle is disabled by...?

15 / 25

If you see a vehicle with an orange triangle on the back, it means they are designed to operate at what speed?

16 / 25

Turning left on a multilane highway, your turn should begin where?

17 / 25

Your rearview mirror should be adjusted so that you can see...?

18 / 25

Learners under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least...?

19 / 25

On a two lane two-way road, what does a broken yellow centerline mean?

20 / 25

When you are following a vehicle ahead when its rear bumper passes a tree you are following too closely if you pass the same tree in less than...?

21 / 25

Under what circumstances can you share a lane with a motorcycle?

22 / 25

If another driver is tailgating you, what should you do?

23 / 25

When roads get slick you should maintain a following distance of approximately...?

24 / 25

To avoid last-minute maneuvers, you should be scanning the road ahead up to where you will be in approximately...?

25 / 25

In bad weather such as fog, sleet, snow et cetera, which of these should you use?

Your score is



Proven Strategies for Passing your PA Driver’s Permit Test

PA Driver's Permit TestMany people would not stop telling their friends how hard it is to pass the PA driver’s permit test. You can believe in them and just give it up or prepare for the exam correctly so that you will go into the test feeling a bit confident about yourself. Here are a few proven strategies that will allow you to pass your Pennsylvania permit test confidently:

Study Hard

Don’t just read the manual from start to end. You must understand what all those things mean to become a better driver from then on. Also, it would be alright to lose sleep over this as long as you know you are doing everything you can to ace the exam. It is all about gaining the confidence to do great in this exam. Like any other exam you encountered when you were a student, you know your chances will go up when you study hard for it. It is a good thing that you can obtain many resource materials to prepare for the permit test. Don’t worry about investing in all of those things because it will all be worth it when you achieve what you set out to do, which is to pass that exam with flying colors. All the people who did it in the past have one thing in common: they studied hard until the last minute. it is like they would not want to let go of the books they have because they are fully committed to giving satisfying results in this scenario.

Get Advice

When you know other people who have already taken the PA driving test in the past, then you can ask them the questions. There can be a chance that those exact questions will not come out when it is your turn to take the test. However, that would give you an idea of what the exam would be about. When you know that person passed with flying colors, you can also ask what that person answered to the questions that he remembers so that you will also know the answer. You can even research so that you will know if he is right or not. Since he is already done with the exam, the only thing you can do is to prepare yourself for what is to come. Of course, these must be people that you trust. After all, asking random people about their experiences regarding the PA driver test can yield the wrong answers. Instead of being prepared for the exam, you can go in the opposite direction by asking the wrong people. Those people will probably not care whether or not you pass the exam, so it would be in your best interest to ask people who care. Please don’t be shy about getting advice from your friends because they know they will be a big help in your mission of conquering the PA written test that will happen in the future.

Answer Practice Tests

You can answer free mock exams online to get an early feel of what it would be like to answer a PA driver’s permit test. These sample tests will let you know the exam coverage, including traffic rules, regulations, and road signs. When you find out that you are a bit weak in some of those parts, you know your weakness; that is where you can concentrate your efforts. It is nice to know that you are getting a lot out of websites you don’t need to invest in. They won’t convince you to sign up and get more mock questions. You can practice the test questions that are there repeatedly until you feel like you have already mastered something you were not expecting to. it is all about giving it your all when answering the practice exams. You must pretend you are answering the real thing so your effort will be right there. It is also possible to answer the same exams that you answered before because after answering many exams, it is possible that you have already forgotten the answers to those questions.

Think Positive

It would be best if you headed into the PA drivers permit test with the mindset that you will nail it. Yes, being confident about your abilities will do you a lot of favors even if past exams did not go your way. Those things happened already, and it is time to concentrate on what will happen to you in the future. this is not the time to look down on your abilities, as that would not have good consequences for your future. You better think it will all work out so you won’t have much to worry about. You can feel more worried than usual if you don’t do that.

Once you implement proven, effective strategies, you will feel good about your chance of getting a good score on the PA driver’s permit test. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will get the score you want because you won’t know if you did well until after a few days when the results come out. Until then, all you can do is hope for the best. However, you won’t be that nervous if you come into the exam prepared and do everything possible, including taking vitamins that are good for memory so that you will remember everything you studied over the past few days.