How To Get A Drivers’ License In Texas

Having a license opens up your world. You never have to ask for rides or worry about how you will get to work. Your age, background, and driving experience affect which steps and documentation you need to secure your driver’s license in Texas. The key to getting your license is to be prepared and know what to expect. The following are some key things to keep in mind if you want to get a Texas driver’s license.


Teens and Learner’s Permits

Texas Drivers LicenseAt 14, teens can take driver’s education to learn the ins and outs of the road. A learner’s permit gives teenagers permission to practice driving with a licensed driver. A learner’s permit does not mean you can drive with just anyone. For example, you can not drive with someone who has just gotten their license or is 18. Instead, you should be practicing with a parent or with a licensed adult who is over the age of 21. After you have had your permit for six months, you can start working on getting your provisional license.


Driver’s Ed Courses

One of the quickest ways to get your license is to sign up for Driver’s Ed, where a professional teaches you the rules of the road, gives you practice and prepares you for the written exam. You can sometimes take driver’s education courses at your public high school or with a professional company. Texas also has Texas Parent Taught Drivers Ed (PTDE), which involves parents teaching their children to drive versus hiring an outside course or company. PTDE also entails a written exam, parent account, and driver training tools. Once you have enough practice, you can get a license at 16 years of age.


Driving Hours

Teens under the age of 18 need 44 hours of driving practice and are limited to driving one hour per day. You also have to prove that you had at least 32 hours of driver’s ed that was not more than two hours a day. Behind the wheel, hours include observing licensed adults, training or driving yourself, and regular practice. Texas also asks that some of the hours be done at night.


Adults and Licensure

If you are over 18 and need a license, you can take the Texas Adult Drivers Ed course. Anyone over the age of 25 is not required to take driver’s ed, though it can be really helpful in preparing and practicing. Adult driver’s education courses are shorter in length. You can choose to do this online or in person. Adult courses are around six hours long. Once you pass the course, you will receive a certificate. From here, you will need to bring your licensure application, identification forms, and certificate so that you can take your road test.


Documentation for a Texas Driver’s License

Paperwork is a key piece of getting your driver’s license. Make sure you come prepared or you will have to do the process over. First, make sure you have fully filled out the application for a driver’s license. You can find this form online. Next, you need to make sure you have proof of your US citizenship or identification. Common documents that prove this include a US passport, birth certificate, social security card, or a Texas ID card. All of these identity documents need to be originals. Photocopies or photos will not work if you want to get your license. And of course, different types of licenses cost a fee. Check the website before you go and make sure to bring a credit card.


Do Not Rush the Process

Make sure that you follow each step and really learn the laws and rules of the road. The worst thing you can do is rush through your driver’s education course and rush through your driving hours. You may become a sloppy driver who fails their road test, which is a waste of time, energy, and money. Common reasons for failing a road test include rolling through a Stop Sign, hitting a curb when doing a three-point turn or parallel parking, not using your signals, or not abiding by the speed limit. Practice definitely makes perfect if you want to get your Texas driver’s license.