Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 5

We aim to provide comprehensive and reliable study materials to prepare you for the PA permit test and beyond. Please pass the test and become a safe and responsible driver on Pennsylvania roads. With our practice tests and additional resources, you can feel confident and well-prepared for your journey toward obtaining your driver’s license. Don’t leave your success on the PA permit test to chance – start practicing with us today! Remember, the more prepared you are, the smoother and easier the testing process will be.


Pennsylvania Road Rules Test 05

1 / 25

If you operate or permit operation of your vehicle without insurance, your driving privileges will be suspended for how long?

2 / 25

One of the best ways of ensuring that you do not hit a bicyclist with your door when you leave the driver's seat is to do what?

3 / 25

When approaching a horseback rider or horse-drawn vehicle, you must remember that they...?

4 / 25

What is the main reason for crashes involving 16 and 17-year-old drivers?

5 / 25

If you are on a limited access highway, you should turn on your four-way flashers if for any reason you have to drive below...?

6 / 25

If you are convicted of fleeing or attempting to elude the police, your driving privileges will be suspended for...?

7 / 25

If you refuse to take chemical tests of breath or blood for alcohol or drugs, your driving privileges will be automatically suspended for...?

8 / 25

Which of these hand positions puts you at risk of being injured if the airbag deploys?

9 / 25

If you have to park on a roadway with no curb, you must turn on your four-way flashers and ensure that your vehicle can be seen for what distance in both directions?

10 / 25

Which of these offenses, if committed out-of-state, will still go on your Pennsylvania driver record?

11 / 25

Children must be secured in a rear facing car seat if they are under the age of...?

12 / 25

When you pass another vehicle, you should be traveling approximately how much faster than them?

13 / 25

If you want across an intersection with a two-way stop sign on a 30 mph street, you need about what gap in both directions to cross safely?

14 / 25

To begin parallel parking, you should be even with the vehicle you intend parking behind and what distance away from it?

15 / 25

Once an emergency vehicle has passed you, you should not resume driving until it has got what distance away?

16 / 25

A teenager dialing with a cell phone is how much more likely to fail to notice an important road event?

17 / 25

Parking uphill or downhill facing on a road without a curb, which way should you turn the steering wheel?

18 / 25

With certain exceptions, children under the age of what may not ride on the open flatbed of a pickup or truck?

19 / 25

If one of your tires blows out, which of these should you not do?

20 / 25

To keep out of the blind spot of a truck, you must stay at least what distance behind them?

21 / 25

If snow or ice falls from your vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing injury, you may be fined up to...?

22 / 25

Children must use a federally-approved child booster seat and seat belt from age 4 until age...?

23 / 25

If you flee or attempt to elude the police, as well a suspension of driving privileges you will be fined...?

24 / 25

You must not park within what distance of any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign or traffic control device?

25 / 25

If you drift off the edge of the road, how should you recover your position?

Your score is



Reasons to Answer PA Permit Test Questions

PA Permit Test QuestionsYour PA Permit Test will play a huge role in getting your permit. Thus, taking this test seriously would be in your best interest. When you pass it, you will experience tons of long-lasting effects that will turn out for the better. Hence, you better be 100% focused on taking care of this exam. One of the ways to do that would be to get PA permit test questions ahead of time. That would make you feel like you are pretty much ready for the exam, even if it is still a week away. We all know it would be much better to relax right before the exam starts. Here are a few reasons why it would be best to practice with a variety of PA permit test questions on different websites all over the Internet:

Know the Coverage

You will more or less know the exam coverage when you start answering PA permit test questions. There is no question that there will be a variety of PA permit test questions about the city’s traffic rules and road signs. We all know that the meaning of the traffic signs will vary in each state. Thus, you can be familiar with one of them but not be familiar with the others. It can be a bit normal, so you can’t be too overconfident with the PA permit test just because you aced the test of another state. After all, you can expect different questions, and the answers will vary. You may even eliminate some topics that you thought would be in this exam, but they are not. As early as now, cross those things out and focus more on the topics that matter.

Practice Makes Perfect

We all know you would need a lot of practice to get the hang of how these exams would go right in front of you. After all, nothing stops you from answering several test questions to test how much you know about the road regulations of Pennsylvania. The more tests you tackle, the better it will be, and that will prepare you for the actual thing. In fact, there is even a chance that some of the questions you answered are quite similar to the ones in the actual test. They may not be the same thing, but they are somewhat similar. You will immediately realize that there is a huge difference between doing the necessary preparations for the exam and not really doing much about it and taking it lightly. If you do the latter, then you will suffer the consequences.

Feel Confident

Believe it or not, you will feel a bit more chance of getting a high score in the exam once you answer several PA permit test questions. Of course, it would be a different story once you fail to capitalize on various opportunities right in front of you. When you’ve answered lots of m0ck exams, you will look at yourself in the mirror and conclude that you are pretty much prepared for the task ahead. We all know it is much easier said than done when passing the PA permit test. However, it will eventually happen, and you can say that you at least tried a bit. There will be a huge difference in the exam result when you feel more confident about it than being a bit nervous. You will only feel a bit nervous because deep down inside you, it won’t take long to realize that you are not prepared for it and only have yourself to blame for that. Remember that the person who will certainly help you the most in this situation is yourself. Thus, believing in yourself would bode well for your future, especially if it means getting a driving permit in this state.

Get in the Groove

Once you get in the groove of answering Pennsylvania permit test questions, it won’t be new when you finally start the real thing. On the flip side, it will be something new if you don’t practice. You will suddenly be in the mood to answer many questions about the road signs and traffic regulations in Pennsylvania, and there is nothing wrong with that because you will learn a lot. After all, you would not want to get apprehended by the cops because you did not know the regulations there. There won’t be a person who will educate you on those rules, which is why this exam is being conducted. You may even get a bit pumped up when it comes to finally taking the exam you were preparing for. It would be like another day at the office if you got yourself in the groove.

The more PA permit test questions you answer, the better your chances of getting the exam are. Of course, better make sure that you have all the answers for those questions so that you would know right away whether or not you were right. Add that to the fact that you don’t need to pay for any of those things, as the practice questions are free. You may encounter quite a few questions several times and it means that question will most likely come out in the test. You may take a test that you took a few days ago to see if your score has improved after taking it the first time around. When you take many tests, you may forget about the first ones.